
Friday, March 2, 2012

Seeking new minions

The last wave of new minions (the Humans call them "volunteers") that joined the Rocky Mountain Raptor Program in January have been progressing nicely through the Level H training. While that's great for them (now they can prep food and go into cages without supervision) it's not as fun for me as when they each entered my cage for the first time, tentative and scared, staring at me like I was going to eat them if they took their eyes off me for a second. Now they enter the cage with a sort of gentle confidence, and they can tell just by looking at my body language whether or not I'm going to fly from my perch. They're not scared any more. And where is the fun in that?

Fortunately for me, the RMRP accepts new volunteers every other month, and this Saturday is the New Volunteer Orientation for March. It's from 10:00 to 11:30 here at the main facility at Vine Drive. Please come and learn about volunteering for us, and bring a friend, son, daughter or spouse to volunteer with you! Did you know that we allow children age 12 and up to volunteer here with a parent/guardian?

Not only does the RMRP need the help (baby season is right around the corner), but I need the thrill of striking terror and awe into new minions entering my cage for the first time.

Hope to see you on Saturday!

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